[00:00:00] Daryl Cagle: Hi, I'm Daryl Cagle. This is the Caglecast, where we're all about political cartoons. And today we have, three brilliant cartoonists joining me. [00:00:08] Daryl Cagle: Rick McKee, Adam Zyglis, and Randy Enos. we're gonna get right into it. Today we're doing our favorite Trumps, and it's all about Trump bashing today. . [00:00:17] Daryl Cagle: So here you've got narcissists and the reflecting pool. This is cute. [00:00:22] Adam Zyglis: Yeah, it's, it's another old favorite from that's from 2017 when he just was taken over Twitter and I'm just a sucker for the. Greek allusions, um, and I mean, he's just the most vain person I've probably ever have drawn. [00:00:35] Adam Zyglis: So this was a natural. [00:00:37] Rick McKee: Yeah. I like that. That's super cool., [00:00:38] Daryl Cagle: You've got a Linus Trump with a presidential immunity, security blanket. I think that's great. [00:00:43] Adam Zyglis: this is super recent. with the gag order and with the court case, , with his lawyers arguing he should have. Full immunity, a blanket immunity. [00:00:51] Rick McKee: Yeah, that's a great, uh, [00:00:52] Rick McKee: that's a great [00:00:52] Rick McKee: Trump caricature too. [00:00:53] Randy Enos: That's great. [00:00:54] Daryl Cagle: And here it's Trump with Kristi Noem, shooting liberty on fifth Avenue and shooting the dog. I mean, that's wonderful. [00:01:03] Adam Zyglis: I just, you know, I thought they're just like a match made in heaven, the two of them. [00:01:07] Rick McKee: So let me ask you this, one of the, one of the biggest responses I ever got was drawing a dead dog in the cartoon. Did you, get any backlash on that? [00:01:15] Adam Zyglis: I was, you know, I was wondering, I did not. I was worried that this would have triggered such a backlash. I wonder if it's just because [00:01:23] Daryl Cagle: You've got blood in it. [00:01:23] Daryl Cagle: The editors don't like blood. [00:01:24] Adam Zyglis: And my editor has told me she doesn't, well, my, my newish editor in chief is not a big fan of blood, but, this is as much blood that I can kind of get away with. I think it's just, it's drawing what happened though. I mean, that's, I had it worked up the breed too, that, you know, the wire haired terrier, something like that, but I'm like, it's defendable. [00:01:42] Adam Zyglis: If I just drew a dead dog. For gratuitous reasons or for my own just creative methods, I think people would [00:01:49] Daryl Cagle: like, just like like we all do. [00:01:51] Adam Zyglis: Right. Right. Exactly. [00:01:53] Daryl Cagle: Rick, you had a wonderful one on this. So I, I put it in here. I'm still laughing at this one. [00:02:00] Rick McKee: You know, I, I hesitate to, imitate other artists like that, but that one sort of cried out for it. [00:02:05] Daryl Cagle: That's a wonderful cartoon. [00:02:07] Randy Enos: Yeah, [00:02:07] Rick McKee: thank you. [00:02:09] Daryl Cagle: Rick has drawn for decades for the Augusta Chronicle in Georgia, he draws the comic strip Pluggers, and I have syndicated Rick for 20 years. and Rick is one of our podcast favorite guests. [00:02:21] Rick McKee: Yeah, happy to be here. [00:02:23] Daryl Cagle: 20 years, Rick. [00:02:24] Rick McKee: I know. Wow. Feels longer. [00:02:27] Daryl Cagle: So, so, uh, Trump says Biden is too old, flabbergobble in the mumble slurble. And, uh, the old mega guy says, I like him because he's the only one who makes any sense is his t shirt says Biden is too old, flabbergobble in the mumble slurble. I'm laughing at this one still too. [00:02:47] Rick McKee: Thanks. Yeah, it's, uh, you know, you know, um, You know, Biden's got his problems with his gaffes and mumbling and all that, but I mean, trump's at least as bad and that doesn't get as much press. So, [00:02:59] Adam Zyglis: his neck is being real white at the bottom as I forget to stop the face color [00:03:04] Adam Zyglis: And I noticed he, he also [00:03:06] Daryl Cagle: doesn't do his ears, he doesn't do his ears and his eyes. [00:03:09] Adam Zyglis: Yep. Yes, that's true. The eyes I remember to do. [00:03:12] Daryl Cagle: Here you've got Trump with a big RNC elephant puppet, and he says, The fake media say the RNC is my puppet that I've taken over. It's so untrue. And RNC says, I wish I was a puppet. It's very funny. Where, where is his hand going? Uh, what? He's scratching his back? No. [00:03:31] Daryl Cagle: So here's one of your, uh, oldies. you got Trump drinking the government shut down water and his, puppet. Look at me drinking water with one hand. So amazing. Believe me. I thought that was very funny. We like the puppets. [00:03:42] Rick McKee: Yeah, and that was a reference to, uh, I don't know if anybody even remembers, you know, not being able to drink water with one hand. [00:03:47] Rick McKee: He was always sort of drinking the water bottle. Right, right, right. I remember that. Yeah. Yeah. So that may be, that may be too old of a reference. [00:03:55] Daryl Cagle: You got to remember he doesn't put the color on his ears. [00:03:58] Rick McKee: That's true. I need to modify that. Oh, I didn't know that. No, he's got [00:04:03] Daryl Cagle: these pink ears and then it goes orange. [00:04:05] Daryl Cagle: Yeah, it's [00:04:05] Rick McKee: really weird looking. [00:04:07] Adam Zyglis: I gotta start changing the way I'm doing it now. [00:04:10] Rick McKee: They're kind of wet looking, too. I don't know if you've seen that. [00:04:12] Daryl Cagle: So, Randy Enos is a legendary cartoonist illustrator. And when I was in high school in the 1970s, I Loved Randy's strip, Chicken Gutz, that was the lead strip in the comics section of every National Lampoon issue. [00:04:25] Daryl Cagle: And, Randy has drawn for every publication in existence, including New York Times, Playboy, Time Magazine, Sports Illustrated, Atlantic, Rolling Stone. More than anybody I can think of. [00:04:36] Randy Enos: Except the New Yorker. [00:04:37] Randy Enos: They never return my calls. Well, the bastards. New Yorker is the only magazine in America that I have never worked for. [00:04:45] Daryl Cagle: Well, I think maybe that's because your cartoons are funny. Oh. Uh oh. Shots [00:04:53] Randy Enos: fired. I like that one. I even did an illustration for People magazine. And everybody knows there's no illustrations in People, right? I don't know what's going on now, if they're still around, But, I did a decorative border for them one time, for one page. I like that. Oh, very good. [00:05:09] Daryl Cagle: I should say that, on my darylcagle.com blog, some time ago, we did a bunch of, Randy's old illustration stories from, uh, 70s and 80s and National Lampoon and Playboy. [00:05:21] Randy Enos: My life on the slanted board. [00:05:24] Daryl Cagle: Oh, and it was, it was great. And, before too long, we're going to do a podcast with Randy's old stories and I think that'll be fun. I need to [00:05:31] Rick McKee: look that up. [00:05:31] Daryl Cagle: Yeah. Google, DarylCagle.Com and Randy Enos and, uh, wonderful old stories. here you've got the devil looking up at Trump who's asleep in his, uh, is that his doggie bed? [00:05:43] Daryl Cagle: And it says, on June 14th, 1946, God slashed out. Satan looked up on his planned paradise and said, I need a caretaker. So Satan gave us Trump. I think that's funny. [00:05:55] Rick McKee: It is funny, and it plays, plays very well into the whole embrace of Trump, by some of these misguided evangelicals. [00:06:03] Randy Enos: His new incarnation as a religious leader. [00:06:06] Randy Enos: Yeah. [00:06:07] Daryl Cagle: He also looks a little bit like a soap dish. [00:06:09] Randy Enos: I don't know what I was thinking of. [00:06:11] Adam Zyglis: That's right. All you need is the tie, you know. Yeah, it's [00:06:15] Randy Enos: true. It's a little bassinet or something we used to call them. [00:06:20] Rick McKee: That's true. The tie is the giveaway. [00:06:22] Daryl Cagle: And that ties into this other God cartoon where you've got Trump saying, I'm desperate, I'll give this a shot, dear Lord,and there's your judge Merchan who's looking down as God. [00:06:32] Daryl Cagle: I don't see Judge Merchan as a God character. I suppose that's just because, uh, who could give orders to Trump? [00:06:38] Randy Enos: Yeah, he's got, he's Trump's God now. So if he's saying, dear Lord, that's who's going to answer, I guess. I suppose. [00:06:46] Daryl Cagle: I actually think he's doing a pretty good job in this case. It's like he's trying to reign in the circus. [00:06:51] Adam Zyglis: Yeah, [00:06:52] Randy Enos: look, the long red tie is so neat, isn't it? Because you can, get tired of drawing Trump and the blue suit in the, you can just show the red tie. [00:07:01] Daryl Cagle: I put all your red tie cartoons together in a row a little, for a little later in the podcast, Randy, so you can, you can go on a red tie rant. [00:07:09] Daryl Cagle: Oh, so Randy, here's one of your old, uh, [00:07:14] Randy Enos: yes, [00:07:15] Daryl Cagle: linoleum cut cartoons. I don't think any editors printed this, tell us about this one. [00:07:20] Daryl Cagle: Well, I don't know what's to say. He's, uh, he's humping the Statue of Liberty from behind. He's climbing on. [00:07:27] Daryl Cagle: I wanted to see if I could get away with it, I guess. You got away with it with me, but I don't think any papers printed it. Really? Yeah, well, I guess I was sort of fresh from all those publications I used to work for, where you could, you could do stuff like this, you know. [00:07:42] Daryl Cagle: I was brand new to this editorial cartooning that you guys do in the newspapers, but, [00:07:48] Rick McKee: That's a really interesting style. [00:07:50] Daryl Cagle: You're, you're an ingenue. You hadn't started doing the self censorship yet. [00:07:54] Randy Enos: Right. And I thought I'd try something that would be really, really rough, just to test the waters, see what happened. [00:08:00] Randy Enos: Well, I enjoyed it. Yeah, well, that's good. I'm glad you did. [00:08:04] Daryl Cagle: Now here, I picked one of your very old Trumps. I've actually picked a very old Trump from each of you, because I personally think my very old Trumps are kind of embarrassing. I drew him skinny. You know, my perception of him only 15 years ago was that he was a tall skinny guy. [00:08:20] Daryl Cagle: Boy, that has changed. [00:08:22] Randy Enos: Well, I got him pretty skinny here. [00:08:24] Daryl Cagle: Yeah, you've got him skinny. [00:08:25] Randy Enos: This is one of my horrible Trumps. [00:08:28] Daryl Cagle: I thought he was kind of a good looking guy [00:08:30] Daryl Cagle: back then. We drew him as a good looking, kind of a playboy bachelor fella, even though he was married. [00:08:36] Randy Enos: Yeah, even a colored shirt, right. [00:08:38] Adam Zyglis: Yeah, normal hand size, all that. Yeah, yeah. He didn't have [00:08:42] Adam Zyglis: the red tie and the blue suit back then. I'm convinced that I am the first one that did the long tie. I've looked back as far as I could to everybody else's cartoons that I could find here and there, and I've been testing the waters and my first long tie was in September for 12th, 2015. [00:09:01] Randy Enos: And then I saw one of Daryl's, one of yours Daryl, right after mine. So one of us, I think, was the first ones to ever draw the long tie. See if you could find any, earlier than [00:09:12] Adam Zyglis: That's a good question. [00:09:13] Daryl Cagle: Well, I tell you, if we don't try to find them, and we just claim that you're the first, that probably works. [00:09:19] Daryl Cagle: Because this Now I'm working it out. [00:09:21] Randy Enos: Sartorial things like this always attract me right away and affect what I'm drawing. The way someone's dressed, the hat, especially hats, the ties. And I noticed pretty early on, that he was wearing these extraordinarily long ties. I said, this is ridiculous. [00:09:40] Randy Enos: How can somebody wear a tie this long? It goes down way below his belt. He has these made in China and they're, I don't know how many feet long these ties are. They're incredible. So I think when [00:09:50] Daryl Cagle: he looks down at his belly, he doesn't see the end of the tie. [00:09:53] Rick McKee: I've read somewhere where the tie where he felt like maybe that was slimming or something to have it that long or. [00:09:58] Rick McKee: I mean, there's a reason why he does that. Um, I don't think I was drawing a long tie in 2015. [00:10:03] Adam Zyglis: I think he's obsessed with size, you know? He just has the, it's like the Trump Tower. He likes to project size. [00:10:10] Randy Enos: I heard once that he wouldn't let anybody in his office when he was president if they didn't have a tie on. [00:10:16] Randy Enos: And there was this one guy who was reading That had some urgent news and he was about to run in and he stopped short and remembered that Trump demanded a tie so he had to quickly run, put a tie on to run in and give him this important document or something that he was trying to get to him. [00:10:34] Daryl Cagle: here is one of my Trumps from 2011. [00:10:36] Daryl Cagle: Um, That I find personally quite embarrassing. [00:10:41] Rick McKee: No, it's good. [00:10:42] Adam Zyglis: Yeah, no, it is. [00:10:43] Adam Zyglis: The hair's great. [00:10:44] Daryl Cagle: Yeah. 2011. He was just doing news appearances complaining about Obama's birth certificate. but he was a different guy. And, I only show this in the context of, I'm embarrassing you guys with some oldies today. [00:10:56] Daryl Cagle: So I might as well [00:10:57] Rick McKee: Wait a minute. So 2011, you were calling him candidate Donald Trump? [00:11:02] Daryl Cagle: There was speculation that he would run for president. Remember he was, he was teasing that for about 10 years. [00:11:07] Adam Zyglis: Oh yeah. [00:11:08] Rick McKee: I think my earliest, my earliest Trump, and probably not even one you've got, goes back to 1999, which is Wow. [00:11:14] Rick McKee: Yeah. [00:11:14] Rick McKee: I drew something A reference to him. Anyway, I had looked, [00:11:17] Daryl Cagle: we started our database in 2000, so I don't have that one. [00:11:20] Rick McKee: Yeah, well I don't think it was with you at that time. [00:11:23] Rick McKee: There's an old Oh boy. Oh [00:11:26] Daryl Cagle: yeah. I put this one in here to embarrass you too. [00:11:28] Daryl Cagle: This one is from 2000, 15. Yeah. I think your dreams more than came true. [00:11:34] Rick McKee: Yeah. Yeah. I did sort of have the orange thing going I can see that his eyes are a little yeah light but I mean, that's a terrible trump and a terrible Biden. Biden was always hard for me to draw. I mean because he's just Sort of, you know, there's, he's sort of an average looking guy. [00:11:49] Rick McKee: There's nothing that sort of leaps out about him. [00:11:51] Adam Zyglis: Subtle features, yeah. [00:11:52] Daryl Cagle: You know, your dreams predicting the future are really pretty amazing. [00:11:56] Rick McKee: Yeah, that was terrifying. It was funny back then, I thought, oh boy, that'd be a lot of fun, but boy, it's not anymore. [00:12:05] Daryl Cagle: They were, I guess at that time, they were funny. [00:12:08] Rick McKee: Yeah, not funny anymore. [00:12:09] Daryl Cagle: So here's a very old Trump from you, Adam. This is from 2012. [00:12:13] Adam Zyglis: Oh. [00:12:14] Daryl Cagle: Trump with his, uh, ugly misguided nonsense says, Have I got a bombshell for you? [00:12:20] Daryl Cagle: Look how skinny he is. [00:12:21] Daryl Cagle: Yeah, [00:12:22] Daryl Cagle: it's so [00:12:23] Adam Zyglis: embarrassing, [00:12:23] Randy Enos: very trim. [00:12:26] Adam Zyglis: And I think he liked the pink tie. I remember putting him in a pink tie for awhile. There was a cartoon, I think around, maybe it was even 2011. or it could have been one after this, where I had him with his hair combing at the bills logo, and that was one of my early Trumps too. [00:12:41] Adam Zyglis: And I think I remember finally liking the likeness a little better, but he, when he considering buying Buffalo Bills. When they were up for sale. And that was a nice local splash national cartoon. This one [00:12:51] Rick McKee: goes back to 2012. Do you think he was just about the Obama birther thing? [00:12:56] Adam Zyglis: Yeah, this is the birther. [00:12:58] Adam Zyglis: This is a reference to that. [00:12:59] Daryl Cagle: All right. He was talking about how he had this big shell thing that was about to come out. [00:13:03] Adam Zyglis: Yeah. Yeah, that's right. [00:13:05] Rick McKee: Oh, yeah. I love your monster. [00:13:07] Daryl Cagle: Oh, that's good. Sleepy Joe is a crook. Trump asleep at his criminal trial with his lovely tie. And, the only peers we could find for the jury are, [00:13:17] Adam Zyglis: I [00:13:17] Adam Zyglis: like having a Trump cartoon without Trump in it. [00:13:19] Adam Zyglis: it's a small victory. [00:13:23] Daryl Cagle: actually there are lots of cartoons that have about Trump that don't have Trump in them. And I think they get printed more often than if you draw Trump in the cartoon. Really interesting. [00:13:31] Adam Zyglis: It's the fatigue, Trump fatigue. [00:13:33] Daryl Cagle: I think so, and Trump looking at his legal fees Yeah, this is a great one. [00:13:37] Daryl Cagle: He just wants to find six numbers. That's, that's very funny. [00:13:42] Adam Zyglis: This is when the planets align for a cartoon when, you know, the Powerball was not claimed, it was in this massive, I thought I was, I had this idea and then, um, I wasn't going to use it because they were, they were naming a winner of the Powerball and I just saved it. [00:13:55] Adam Zyglis: And then I think days later, it was still, you know, the, the pot was like growing because no one would claim the, win. And so it was just perfect to use it. And it was one of the fastest drawings that I had to do. Sometimes my faster drawings, I like better. [00:14:09] Rick McKee: Are you doing the color with actual watercolor? [00:14:13] Adam Zyglis: No, I draw by hand with the pen and ink and then I'll scan them and use Procreate on the iPad. And there's some painting textures like watercolor and paint and different paint textures with paper textures. And it's quick. I probably spend, now that my deadlines are just weird, they're noon for full color every day, I probably have reduced my coloring time from like an hour to more like 20 minutes. [00:14:35] Daryl Cagle: Wow, that looks like real watercolor. [00:14:37] Adam Zyglis: When I print it on thick watercolor paper, it does. I thought it was [00:14:40] Daryl Cagle: watercolor. [00:14:41] Adam Zyglis: Well, that's the goal is to try to have that muted palette so it looks like it. [00:14:45] Daryl Cagle: Hmm. So here you've got, uncle Sam, shoring up the dam with, Trump about to break through the dam. [00:14:51] Daryl Cagle: and he's shoring it up with, croquet. Mallets. [00:14:53] Adam Zyglis: Well, yeah. So these are meant to be like a, um, elongated, judge's, gavel. So they're one, two, they're the five. legal ways to stop him from becoming president. There were the four criminal cases, I think it was. And then, the idea that with the 14th amendment, you know, people could prevent him from, becoming president. [00:15:11] Adam Zyglis: And that was, I drew this after you know, we fell apart. Exactly. [00:15:15] Daryl Cagle: Yeah. Well, very good. Very nice. Here's your Valentine's Day cartoon. GOP Elephant gives him the valentine, I'm yours, and his head is a fist. But uh, you don't need a head or anything else on Trump, all you need is the tie. [00:15:29] Rick McKee: The red tie. [00:15:30] Rick McKee: Adam, that's great. I think, you know what, you could get away with just drawing him like that. [00:15:33] Adam Zyglis: That's a great idea. [00:15:35] Daryl Cagle: Put a tie on any prop. [00:15:38] Adam Zyglis: Man, maybe, Rick, maybe I'll do that. You know, I shouldn't have done that from that point on, but I love that idea. [00:15:43] Randy Enos: You got us posture. [00:15:45] Rick McKee: Honestly, that is really cool, mean, that is really cool. [00:15:46] Adam Zyglis: I could even add some hair, but I don't even need the hair, you know? [00:15:49] Rick McKee: Yeah, yeah, you're right. You could, but you don't. I mean, that's [00:15:52] Daryl Cagle: I've done, I've done the hair on .... [00:15:54] Rick McKee: It looks like I'm seeing him, you know? [00:15:56] Daryl Cagle: Lady Liberty, As I said before, she's not my type, and there she is all beat up. aw, that's so sad. [00:16:02] Randy Enos: That's a good Trump. Yeah. [00:16:03] Daryl Cagle: Yeah. You know, I get angry mail every time, Lady Liberty or Lady Justice is, beaten up in a cartoon, from people that don't ever like to see any woman beat up for any reason. [00:16:15] Daryl Cagle: they are just livid. Do you get those? [00:16:17] Randy Enos: Even if they're statues, they should. [00:16:19] Adam Zyglis: I have gotten them on occasion and it's like, it's, it's just images that will trigger people from their own trauma or whatever. And I've gotten, I've drawn images and people in a cage, like a, when I drew, I mean, I drew Robin Williams in a cage. [00:16:32] Adam Zyglis: for the birdcage when he had passed away in depression, I got, a woman and a few others like really upset, demanding we take it down because, they were depressed and they felt, they felt that way that they were trapped in this cage. But it's, I think certain images will just trigger someone's personal experience. [00:16:48] Daryl Cagle: I think that's true. Here, you've got, uh, Trump putting just Lady Liberty's torch onto the mousetrap, but he's the rat that should attract. That's great. [00:16:56] Rick McKee: That is good. Good. [00:16:57] Daryl Cagle: A head at the polls. Here's poor Liberty with her head on a pike. [00:17:01] Adam Zyglis: Yeah. [00:17:04] Rick McKee: I like the way Daryl said that. Oh dear. [00:17:07] Adam Zyglis: Yeah, my editor was not a fan of that blood, but that was as much again I could get away with. It [00:17:12] Daryl Cagle: was the blood she objected to on this one. [00:17:14] Adam Zyglis: Right. [00:17:16] Rick McKee: Not the severed head. Right. There's something about the bodily fluids that just gets to the editors. here you got Trump riding the Twitter bird and now riding the eagle is justice chasing him in the, oh, that's very nice. [00:17:27] Rick McKee: The tables have turned. Yeah. How the, how the turns have tabled. [00:17:30] Daryl Cagle: I miss that Twitter bird. There's nothing good to do with an X. [00:17:33] Adam Zyglis: I know. That's true. It's making me miss it. Oh, swastika. That's a good bird. [00:17:37] Daryl Cagle: Swastika. You put that with the bodily fluids. Oh, here you've got the left and the right and the left says, my God, he looks like a mob boss. [00:17:44] Daryl Cagle: And the right says, my God, he looks like a mob boss. . [00:17:46] Daryl Cagle: This is like the, the parallel universe we're in that we see and consume the same thing in opposite different ways. You know? Now he's [00:17:54] Randy Enos: got a, he's got a mob boss lawyer. Now, this, uh, Michelle, how do you say her name? [00:17:59] Rick McKee: necklace. [00:18:00] Rick McKee: You actually say her name and necklace [00:18:02] Randy Enos: necklace. Yeah. [00:18:03] Rick McKee: Oh, really? [00:18:03] Adam Zyglis: Most of my trumps, when I draw them, I just draw them from my character that I have. I don't use a photo reference. So this was like the first time in like, I feel like years where I was looking. off of like a specific photo with his mugshot. [00:18:14] Adam Zyglis: So it's like almost like becomes a different caricature than the usual, my Trump character that I just kind of generate. So it's slightly more to life, but I still wanted it to be my own. [00:18:26] Rick McKee: Have you guys noticed his hair lately? It's kind of where it used to be just sort of parted and just kind of swooped over. [00:18:32] Rick McKee: Now it's doing some kind of, Weird thing and I think it's because [00:18:36] Adam Zyglis: like it's like twirl. It's like wrapping more. Yeah. [00:18:39] Rick McKee: Yeah Some sort of weird look it's got a dint in it. I think it's because he's Losing so much that they're having to swoop it around more. Right? Right [00:18:50] Adam Zyglis: the swirl [00:18:50] Daryl Cagle: So here you've got the brain of the MAGA guy and they're scrubbing it and the GOP elephant says the Barbie movie is brainwashing our children and they are brainwashing the poor, uh, MAGA guy. [00:19:03] Daryl Cagle: This is the first actual brain washing cartoon I can remember ever seeing. Yeah, I think it's the first I've [00:19:08] Rick McKee: seen. I love it. [00:19:10] Adam Zyglis: Showing the literal actual washing of a brain. I thought, why not? And it's the classic Republican diversion. Look over here when we, you know, are really doing something you should pay attention to right in front of you. [00:19:20] Daryl Cagle: So here you've got Trump with his 2024 platform in the police van, where, which is a jail for him. [00:19:27] Daryl Cagle: And I wanted to show you this. Um, Steve Sack sent me this. This is Trump in, uh, uh, in a jail, and he does it on his 3D printer, um, and I think this [00:19:43] Daryl Cagle: is a wonderful [00:19:44] Daryl Cagle: thing. [00:19:45] Rick McKee: Well, you know, it doesn't hurt, it doesn't hurt that Steve Sack is a creative genius, [00:19:49] Randy Enos: I think you could sell, you could sell those for 99 and 99 cents. [00:19:55] Randy Enos: I think it costs [00:19:57] Daryl Cagle: like 40 bucks to make it on the printer. So, [00:19:59] Randy Enos: Oh, it's gotta be more than 99. [00:20:01] Rick McKee: That's just great. [00:20:02] Adam Zyglis: Anyway, Trump's body has like evolved to like a ball, you know, I mean, like the shape compared to like, like Steve Sack's as well. What compared to our initial caricatures, he was so tall. [00:20:13] Adam Zyglis: Now it's just. This little block or he's getting [00:20:16] Randy Enos: much more much more interesting to draw now. Although I [00:20:19] Rick McKee: say He might be on Ozempic or something I think he's trying to lose weight for the election, [00:20:26] Adam Zyglis: right? I think you're yeah It noticed him looking different thinner. [00:20:29] Daryl Cagle: I want to say too that steve sack is having a solo exhibition in Saint Just at the end of September along with Adam. [00:20:37] Daryl Cagle: So, we've got two exhibitions from, Cagle cartoonists, artists, solo exhibitions. So these are big, serious, exhibitions. It's something to see. So as you're passing through Saint Just. It is exciting. I know. Come on, Randy. Let's, let's meet there. [00:20:53] Randy Enos: I am going to, uh, Yes, I'm going to have an exhibit in my living room. [00:20:58] Randy Enos: I hope next week. Well, [00:21:02] Daryl Cagle: this is a lovely one, Adam. Um, this is, uh, Garbage Pail Kids Trump Card, Grifting Grandpa. Major announcement, my official Donald Trump digital trading card collection is here. [00:21:14] Randy Enos: Hold the [00:21:15] Daryl Cagle: $99 crypto accepted free classified document with every purchase. That's funny. That was a takeoff on his nf, [00:21:24] Rick McKee: his NFT thing. [00:21:25] Rick McKee: These were, [00:21:26] Adam Zyglis: these were, yeah. His, um, his digital trading cards. And that's, that major announcement is a direct quote with the caps. Um, the same that, that he announces digital trading cards. So it was really bizarre with this world we're living in is it's just stranger than fiction. You know, you can't hard to satirize reality when it's so bizarre. [00:21:49] Daryl Cagle: I noticed this, his tie is turning into a snake. [00:21:53] Adam Zyglis: Yes. Eating the money from, from the, uh, you know, his mega supporters. [00:21:58] Daryl Cagle: Excellent. And here you have Trump gremlin, a new batch of election deniers. This is great. [00:22:06] Adam Zyglis: I'm a child of the 80s. You know, I got the garbage pail kid cards and gremlins. I mean, I'm showing my, uh, my age when I grew up. [00:22:15] Adam Zyglis: I love gremlins and yeah, just the new batch and every Every new batch of like mega supporters that is perpetuating this they seem a little bit more, you know Something is extra missing from them [00:22:29] Rick McKee: Control [00:22:30] Daryl Cagle: I find myself drawing stuff from the 70s and I see randy drawing comic strip allusions to the 1930s all the time [00:22:36] Randy Enos: exactly [00:22:39] Daryl Cagle: Because i've been looking at some old books lately [00:22:42] Randy Enos: and I just love them so much. [00:22:43] Daryl Cagle: Oh that explains it. [00:22:44] Daryl Cagle: Oh, here you have Trump the sow with all of the piglets on his nipples. Um, they hang Mike Pence, Trump 2020, the Confederate battle flag, stop the steal. They are being fed by him. I think that's great. [00:22:58] Adam Zyglis: This one was taken down on social media and I'm guessing because of, because of the noose maybe, but it's just the algorithms, they catch things. [00:23:06] Adam Zyglis: you know, possibly someone complained about it. You never know exactly what [00:23:10] Daryl Cagle: I think. I think it happens from a complaint and they automatically take it down with a complaint. I've got, [00:23:15] Rick McKee: I do know that the algorithm catches a lot of that stuff automatically, like any sort of. Plan, image, swastika, Hitler, confederate flag, the algorithm catches it and puts it through. [00:23:27] Rick McKee: I'm thinking the noose could [00:23:27] Adam Zyglis: be it, but. [00:23:28] Daryl Cagle: Are [00:23:28] Rick McKee: you thinking just of Facebook? [00:23:31] Daryl Cagle: Uh, specifically Facebook. This was Facebook. Facebook is the one where I notice things taken down more than any place else. [00:23:38] Rick McKee: And you'll get thrown in Facebook jail for posting something like that. [00:23:42] Daryl Cagle: Well, I have four Facebook pages and I put the same thing on all of them. [00:23:45] Daryl Cagle: And I noticed that when something gets taken down, it only gets taken down on one out of four. Um, and I think that's because somebody complained about that one, [00:23:53] Adam Zyglis: That's a good test. [00:23:54] Daryl Cagle: I also have, problems with YouTube. I've had them censor, four or five, different, podcasts uh, two of them, they made it adults only. [00:24:02] Daryl Cagle: And, Two or three of them they made, uh, unacceptable for advertising and, uh, discoverability will be limited. and it's frustrating. A couple of times I, I remixed these podcasts to take out the bad words. You've guys have been very good about not saying any four letter words, so I appreciate that. [00:24:20] Daryl Cagle: We, we do some, we do some self censorship [00:24:22] Daryl Cagle: here you've got Trump, taking off in the U S economy, giant airplane with lost its door to, just like Boeing And, he hopes it crashes. That's great, Rick. [00:24:33] Rick McKee: Yeah, that was, uh, during that time period, you know, when you have two stories in the news and just sort of lined up perfectly with, Trump wishing, the economy would crash so that, you know, It would look better for him, you know. [00:24:45] Rick McKee: It's [00:24:46] Daryl Cagle: also a lovely composition and a lovely color and very nice how you pulled in on that because uh, You know tiny door in a big plane. That's a hard thing to draw. It's a [00:24:58] Adam Zyglis: great thumbnail sketch of, you know, a small caricature of Trump. [00:25:03] Daryl Cagle: Uh huh. Thank you. Uh, here you've got Trump whipping the GOP, elephant who says, what's slavery? [00:25:09] Rick McKee: Well, this was during the period when, you know, Nikki Haley and it was, it might've been Ron DeSantis. There were sort of. You know, denying that there was ever any slavery in the United States and, just sort of making the point that, the GOP has become essentially become his, slave. [00:25:25] Rick McKee: And, my Trump, uh, caricatures sort of, as you can tell. Has just sort of evolved into this cartoon figure and i'm not even really shooting for realism anymore and now that he's thinning down some i'm going, you know, maybe I'm, not going to change the way I draw it. [00:25:39] Rick McKee: But yeah, [00:25:40] Daryl Cagle: is he thinning down? I haven't noticed that [00:25:43] Rick McKee: I think he is. I think he is. Maybe he's just getting older It could could be I was thinking maybe he did it to for the campaign I thought I was thinking I heard rumors that he was on those ozempic now or something I can see that. [00:25:56] Adam Zyglis: I love your elephant that's your prisoner because I look on his face. [00:26:00] Adam Zyglis: I think a lot of your actors. Yeah, he just always just and the gold handcuffs. Nice touch. [00:26:05] Daryl Cagle: I love the sky and I love the pattern on Trump's vest. Oh, thank you very much. So here you've got Trump and he says, Joe Biden couldn't string two sentences together and Joe Biden strings four sentences together. [00:26:18] Daryl Cagle: Trump porn star husbandry sentence, Trump classified document sentence, Trump Georgia electric interference, January 6th sentence. [00:26:26] Randy Enos: That's a good Biden. [00:26:28] Daryl Cagle: It is a good Biden. [00:26:29] Randy Enos: The dark glasses are a help to us. Yeah, the aviators are [00:26:32] Adam Zyglis: a good giveaway. Like, like it's like his red tie is the [00:26:36] Randy Enos: The red tie. Yeah. [00:26:37] Daryl Cagle: Hey, what do you guys think about the Hush Money trial? My feeling is, I don't like it. I think all these other charges against him are so much more serious. [00:26:44] Daryl Cagle: And it really does look like they're going after him about nothing. I think it plays into his hand. [00:26:49] Rick McKee: Well, I think you're right. And my sort of my litmus test was, would this trial be happening if he were not running for president? And I don't think it would be, I think. I think all the others would still go forward, but I don't think This one would having said that and watching or at least listening to the trial every day I mean, it sounds like he's guilty. [00:27:08] Rick McKee: I don't know [00:27:09] Daryl Cagle: but ultimately who cares I don't care [00:27:12] Rick McKee: right exactly. [00:27:13] Adam Zyglis: It's not as big of a deal [00:27:14] Rick McKee: Yeah, I don't know that the jury is gonna find him guilty and if they don't You know, there's a really good chance that they won't or it'll be a hung jury, you know, he is just gonna Take that [00:27:25] Adam Zyglis: milk that [00:27:25] Rick McKee: yeah [00:27:26] Randy Enos: Yeah, this is a healthy [00:27:27] Rick McKee: trumpet it You know, [00:27:28] Daryl Cagle: yeah, I think it's all bad. [00:27:30] Rick McKee: I think the argument is, you know, he was, it was an illegal, campaign contribution, which is sort of what they've what they've landed on, by not disclosing what it was for. [00:27:42] Rick McKee: And it seems like a stretch, honestly, [00:27:44] Adam Zyglis: and didn't announce that they're going to do away and definitely one of his other trials. Is it the documents? [00:27:49] Daryl Cagle: Oh, yeah, because he's not that Trump toady judge. [00:27:52] Adam Zyglis: Right, right. [00:27:53] Rick McKee: Well, and also the one in Georgia has essentially been delayed because, the appeals court is going to have a hearing on, whether Fani Willis should be recused. [00:28:02] Rick McKee: So that essentially kills that trial before the election, which was another slam dunk trial. Right. [00:28:09] Daryl Cagle: So I see, I see Trump is winning all of this, whether or not he wins the cases. Right, he's the he's the victor in all [00:28:15] Adam Zyglis: of this And then he'll be president when they're actually coming to trial and you're going to have a sitting president. [00:28:20] Adam Zyglis: And then it won't [00:28:20] Daryl Cagle: matter, you can just turn them all off. So here you, Rick, you got the MAGA guy drinking the Gatorade Kool Aid of conspiracy theories. Glug, glug, glug, glug of his giant Super Bowl. Good looking cartoon. [00:28:33] Rick McKee: I appreciate it. Yeah, this, this came out, obviously Super Bowl weekend. Where they were, you know, going after, , Taylor Swift and just talking about all kinds of conspiracies with her. [00:28:43] Rick McKee: And it was just nonsense. And, um, so that was sort of the basis of that. [00:28:51] Daryl Cagle: So here at the house intel committee says, uh, we've been made it. Oh, the news guy on TV is reading about the house intel committee. And he says, we made some, we've. The news guy on TV is reading about the House Intel Committee and he says we've been made aware of a serious national security threat related to Russia. [00:29:09] Daryl Cagle: Trump says, I would encourage Russia to do whatever the hell they want. And the news guy says, I can't really say anymore now. [00:29:21] Rick McKee: Yeah, I mean, what presidential candidate said something like that? It's just, it's mind boggling. [00:29:29] Daryl Cagle: He doesn't like Ukraine and he kind of likes Putin. Here he is with his golden tennis shoe and Trump says there's an old woman who lives in a shoe. She's only three or more like a two. She comes to my rallies and with all of the schmucks and bought my new sneakers for 400 bucks. [00:29:48] Daryl Cagle: That's very funny. [00:29:51] Randy Enos: The beautiful drawing of the shoe. Yeah. [00:29:54] Daryl Cagle: It is. Very nice paint of the gold on this shoe. Who doesn't want [00:29:58] Rick McKee: a gold [00:29:59] Daryl Cagle: tennis shoe? Uh, it's hard to paint gold. [00:30:03] Adam Zyglis: Yeah. But that green undertone. Yeah. [00:30:07] Daryl Cagle: So here you've got the bag of guy. He's on the phone. He says, quick woman, get the checkbook. Anastad needs help paying his 464 million fraud judgment. [00:30:19] Daryl Cagle: That's so true. You don't even exaggerate. [00:30:22] Rick McKee: I tried to throw in, you know, little things like the rotary phone, [00:30:25] Daryl Cagle: live laugh love. That's fun. And this shirt is good. [00:30:29] Randy Enos: Now talk about putting a lot of stuff on the hat. [00:30:32] Daryl Cagle: Here's a serious MAGA hat. Now if I don't get elected, it's going to be a blood bath for the whole country. [00:30:38] Daryl Cagle: Yeah. Who says that? [00:30:41] Rick McKee: You know, this one got some pushback and even from some of our. More conservative cartoonists on the site, but, um, [00:30:48] Daryl Cagle: Did you get other cartoonists complaining about your cartoon? [00:30:51] Rick McKee: Um, not to me personally, but I mean, I've, I've heard, you know, stuff and, uh, to, you know, to say that that's not what he meant is just disingenuous. [00:31:01] Rick McKee: I mean, [00:31:02] Daryl Cagle: Oh, it's exactly what he said. [00:31:03] Rick McKee: Of course. Yeah. It's exactly what he said. And, uh, and he likes to hide behind these things where, you know, he pretends like he was talking about something else. This is what he meant, and that's, and that's what he said. [00:31:14] Daryl Cagle: So here you've got your 2024 undecided voter and he says, my heart is telling me to vote for Trump, but the voices in my head are telling me to vote for RFK Jr. And he's got all the crazy buttons. [00:31:28] Daryl Cagle: That's a great character. It's very real. Yeah. [00:31:31] Rick McKee: you know, that theory, right? they're all robots created by the CIA and they're, they're spying on us. Oh my God. I don't know if you've ever looked that one up, [00:31:39] Adam Zyglis: that's wild. [00:31:40] Rick McKee: that's one of the report back [00:31:41] Adam Zyglis: to the lizard people under the earth. Is that kind of, I guess so. [00:31:44] Rick McKee: Yeah. The Pedophile lizard people at the pizza place, [00:31:48] Adam Zyglis: right? [00:31:48] Rick McKee: well When Bob [00:31:49] Randy Enos: Kennedy Jr. Is president, we're going to have a lot more interesting little theories [00:31:56] Randy Enos: The [00:31:56] Adam Zyglis: worm in his head, yeah [00:31:58] Rick McKee: I just finished I just uploaded that one. [00:32:01] Daryl Cagle: It really makes the conservative cartoonists and the manga people angry when you draw You MAGA people looking stupid. I know, which is why. Yeah. [00:32:10] Randy Enos: But they look stupid. [00:32:11] Daryl Cagle: It just incenses them more than anything else. You make all the fun of the world of Trump, but you make fun of them. [00:32:16] Daryl Cagle: Well, just know that you're doing a good job of offending those. So here you got Trump and he's mooning the statue of justice and he says, what, why is he's held in contempt of court? That's great. And that, [00:32:29] Rick McKee: that actually was from 2022, so he's been held in contempt before, and I reposted this recently after his latest thing, but I don't think people remember that. [00:32:39] Rick McKee: I don't remember that. Yeah, 2022. What, what's her [00:32:41] Daryl Cagle: case was that, two years ago? [00:32:44] Rick McKee: I don't even remember. [00:32:45] Daryl Cagle: Oh, probably E. Jean Carroll. [00:32:47] Daryl Cagle: So [00:32:47] Daryl Cagle: Randy, we're coming on to you. [00:32:50] Randy Enos: Okay, it's loose again. Mm hmm. [00:32:52] Randy Enos: Yes, and so that's the evidence of his escape. [00:32:56] Randy Enos: Yes. It's [00:32:59] Rick McKee: loose again. [00:33:00] Daryl Cagle: Tying, tying a stray dog down. [00:33:04] Rick McKee: I like, I like that you're referring to him as Nit. [00:33:06] Daryl Cagle: Here you've got Biden's dog, Commander, who has to leave the White House for biting people. And, uh, there's one of my favorites. They've given him Trump's tie to sniff. he's got to follow the scent and bite. That's, uh, that's fun. you've got, Uncle Sam and he's sitting on top of this, uh, is that a pile of dirt? Yeah, it's just dirt [00:33:24] Randy Enos: and rocks. Actually, it looks like one of my fields where my horses are. I could have gone That's what I would have guessed. You know, whenever there's a pile like that, I assume that it's poop. [00:33:33] Randy Enos: No, it's not poop. It's not poop, but it looks like the rock, the rocky field that most of my, most of the time my horses spend time in. This is, just my poor drawing of rocks and dirt with some grass sprigs sticking out here and there. Okay, so Trump is in there and, He's being lured out, of course, by ketchup. [00:33:53] Randy Enos: Ketchup. I love it. It's wonderful. Favorite food. Also, [00:33:56] Daryl Cagle: one of the things that you do often is a very tiny head. the tiny head makes me laugh. It's just the opposite of cartoonists who usually do giant big heads. And, it's effective and it's funny and, uh, it works. [00:34:09] Daryl Cagle: I like the tiny head. [00:34:10] Randy Enos: Oh, good. I'll do a lot more of them, because I always felt, I feel a little funny when I do that, but I used to make a lot of illustrations that way, Wall Street Journal stuff and Time Magazine, this and that. It was convenient often to draw, sometimes just a little oval, just a little tiny oval and, and with a grotesque large one. [00:34:29] Randy Enos: Yeah. Yeah. Uh, legs and body, you know, it, it just seems to be a good design, element to do. [00:34:34] Daryl Cagle: Well, since it's so different from what you expect in a big headed cartoon, it seems to have some kind of a sense of sophistication to it. Um, there's something arty and sophisticated about the tiny instead of big head. [00:34:47] Daryl Cagle: Um, Boligan [00:34:48] Adam Zyglis: has that kind of look too. [00:34:49] Rick McKee: Yes, yes. Oh, [00:34:51] Randy Enos: Boligan. Yeah, yeah, [00:34:52] Rick McKee: [00:34:52] Rick McKee: well, Don Wright used to do something like that, too, and he was a big influence on me. I tried and I just gave up. I couldn't do it, [00:35:00] Daryl Cagle: couldn't do the little heads?, [00:35:01] Rick McKee: you know, [00:35:01] Rick McKee: couldn't [00:35:01] Rick McKee: do [00:35:01] Randy Enos: the [00:35:01] Rick McKee: little heads. [00:35:02] Randy Enos: Speaking of Boligan, I wrote a fan letter to him once because I just loved his stuff so much and, uh, [00:35:08] Adam Zyglis: so good. [00:35:09] Randy Enos: And, then, uh, about, you know, a month or two later after writing in the fan letter, I noticed on my bulletin board a little business card, and it was from Angel Boligan, I hed met him without even realizing it. [00:35:22] Randy Enos: Hispanic friend of mine in New York one time, I remembered back now that he had introduced me to this guy that was visiting from Mexico and it was him, but I didn't know his work at all at that point. [00:35:34] Rick McKee: I met him in France. [00:35:35] Daryl Cagle: Yes, he comes to [00:35:36] Daryl Cagle: France. Randy, by not coming to France, look at all this stuff that you're missing. [00:35:40] Daryl Cagle: Yeah, Bolligan is great. [00:35:42] Randy Enos: But I have, I have work that visits France. I am, I am in a huge children's book illustration exhibition that has been traveling the world for years. And my friend Etienne, that I mentioned to you the other day, Daryl, he put it together. It was, children's work from European cartoonists, Asian cartoonists, American cartoonists, or, not cartoonists, but, uh, children's book illustrators. [00:36:08] Randy Enos: And, it's a fantastic exhibit, so. I visit the world that way instead of actually going out there, but I meant, you know, going to that one cartoonist convention where I met Daryl was great because I met a lot of my heroes there. A lot of people that I normally wouldn't have run into. [00:36:23] Daryl Cagle: This is a process you can't repeat, you know. [00:36:25] Randy Enos: Not if you're really poor like I am. Can't go fritting around. I own horses. Horses take all of your money. It's crazy. [00:36:36] Daryl Cagle: So here you've got Trump Chicken Little and he's yelling. He's leading us to the World War II from the man who brought you the revolutionary war air force. [00:36:44] Randy Enos: I can't get my mind off of that Revolutionary War Air Force that he mentioned. You guys remember that? Oh, yeah. Yeah. No, the Henny, the Henny Penny thing I've done a couple of times. [00:36:55] Daryl Cagle: So here you've got the waiter bringing in his you are served, sir. Dinner and he lifts the lid and it's a subpoena and there you've got your 1930s comics reference of uh, [00:37:05] Rick McKee: Just feet flying out of the frame. [00:37:08] Daryl Cagle: Yeah. Oh, yeah bottoms of the feet very [00:37:10] Randy Enos: I learned cartooning from from old cigar chomping green visor wearing cartoonists. I learned how to, you know, uh, dry up the puddles of ink with a cigar. I'd smoke a cigar and ink my pictures. That was at the famous art schools. And I met all these people. I even had lunch with Rube Goldberg. [00:37:30] Randy Enos: We all smoked great big cigars after lunch. Cocktails and cigars. [00:37:34] Daryl Cagle: Yeah, [00:37:35] Randy Enos: those [00:37:35] Daryl Cagle: were the good old days. So this is an example of where the tie identifies Trump. Yep. It's a giant rat swimming in the ocean as the boats of a U. S. representative, senators and White House staff are trying to get away from. [00:37:48] Randy Enos: that's an old one. [00:37:49] Randy Enos: That's cool. [00:37:50] Daryl Cagle: So here is another tie cartoon where you're using a tie as a prop, and he's at a 45 degree angle, our 45th president, propped up by his significantly sturdy material tie to prevent further forward tippage. Very good. [00:38:04] Randy Enos: That's one of the things that really fascinates me about him is his posture, that, that funny way he has of holding his, his arms out forward. [00:38:13] Randy Enos: And he actually tilts like that. I don't know how he doesn't fall over. But then I discovered that he wears these lifts and his shoes. Oh, I guess that keeps up. He actually does wear these lifts that are, [00:38:24] Daryl Cagle: he's already quite tall, [00:38:26] Randy Enos: Yeah, he is. But he wants to make sure he's taller than anybody else around. [00:38:30] Randy Enos: remember when he was looming over Hillary Clinton, when she would be talking on the stage, and he'd come up behind her like this ominous presence and loom over her while she's a little Hillary is what got the mic in front of her. Yeah. You can feel his presence, [00:38:44] Daryl Cagle: here's one of your oldies. [00:38:45] Daryl Cagle: You know, I love your old, uh, so cut oldies. But when Randy would do these, he, he does the lettering in mirror, backwards. [00:38:54] Randy Enos: I write backwards. Almost as fast as I can print straight. [00:38:58] Rick McKee: Wait, wait, wait, wait. What do you mean you do it backwards? [00:39:01] Daryl Cagle: He does it backwards with a knife! [00:39:03] Rick McKee: Oh, oh, oh, oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. [00:39:05] Randy Enos: These were lino blocks. Lino blocks. You're cutting with a cutter. So you have to do everything backwards. Because when you print, then it comes out right. Yeah, but then one day I smartened up. I'm not too bright a bulb. You know, it took me a while. I realized that I'm doing these political cartoons now. [00:39:21] Randy Enos: Why don't I just do them straight and put them in a computer and flop them? You know, I could do it that way. So I started doing that because for years and years, many, many, many years, too many to count. I did illustrations for magazines and, everything had to be done backwards because they would reproduce from my, originals. [00:39:41] Randy Enos: They're not reproducing from things coming over the, you know, JPEGs. but I found shortcuts after a while. But I felt bad that, I didn't inform Daryl about the fact that I figured out that I could letter straight and then just flop it, you know. but this one actually was done backwards. [00:40:00] Randy Enos: I can tell. This is really old. [00:40:01] Daryl Cagle: I miss your Lino, cartoons. They're, they're fun and crazy. [00:40:06] Adam Zyglis: These kids look great. I mean, oh my gosh, they're so simple. [00:40:08] Rick McKee: Yeah, but you can tell who they are. [00:40:10] Adam Zyglis: Exactly. Great likeness. [00:40:11] Daryl Cagle: I like their flesh tones, too. Thank you. Now here you've got Trump's advisers. this is great. [00:40:17] Daryl Cagle: This is how I think of all your illustrations over the years. It's a very Randy Edos look. Wonderful. That's great. Education is fun. [00:40:24] Rick McKee: Education. I was, I was looking, I was thinking, I was thinking, who is, who is education. [00:40:31] Adam Zyglis: That's fantastic. [00:40:34] Daryl Cagle: I I enjoyed having you guys. This was uh, this was a good one I think we've got two podcasts out of this so there'll be a part one and a part two [00:40:43] Rick McKee: good deal [00:40:44] Daryl Cagle: Very cool. [00:40:44] Daryl Cagle: Adam. It's good to [00:40:45] Rick McKee: see you and Randy. Nice to meet you. [00:40:47] Randy Enos: Nice to meet you Rick. [00:40:49] Adam Zyglis: It's great to see you Rick, Daryl [00:40:49] Daryl Cagle: [00:40:51] Daryl Cagle: Excellent. You guys are great on the podcast and we'll just have to do a whole bunch more. [00:40:55] Randy Enos: Okay. Sounds good. [00:40:57] Daryl Cagle: All right. [00:40:59] Randy Enos: Thank you. Thank you. [00:41:00] Daryl Cagle: So remember to like and subscribe to the Caglecast wherever you're watching this and join our mailing list at Cagle.com/Subscribe. And you will never miss out on a new Caglecast and I will keep you updated on all the best, most popular cartoons as they come out. And, any interesting cartoon news that happens. So Cagle.com/Subscribe. And we do appreciate your subscribing on YouTube because we really are trying to make this work on YouTube. Gentlemen, again, uh, thank you for joining me and I will see you next time and, appreciate you coming. [00:41:30] Randy Enos: Bye. My pleasure. Thank you, Daryl. [00:41:34] Daryl Cagle: See you later.